About Us
Wow! What a year it has been!
My story is, like many others, one of losing my job through Covid-19, so thinking ‘why not do it on my own?’ It has been incredible watching how many people have achieved this, there is so much amazing talent out there in NZ!
Having been in the clothing industry all of my working life, which is a while now, I decided to stick with what I know – and so, with the help of my gorgeous daughter Tash, who lives in Melbourne, we came up with a young ladies loungewear label called ‘ISO the label’, with a little inspiration from Covid Isolation, which is very apt!
Our creative thinking behind the styles is that there are so many people who are working from home, who want comfort as well as something that can be worn to the supermarket and still be acceptable wear for zoom meetings.
Secondly, we were determined to keep it local, so we are completely NZ made.
We are also Zero waste, with all offcuts being supplied to local pre-schools for use in their art and creative exercises.
We have started with a very small collection, to which we will constantly be adding new styles, focusing on great quality and natural fiber fabrics wherever possible. This is a touch of our own in styling and finish, plus we are working on other ideas too, so keep watching this space.
ISO works on a pre-order system, with approximately two weeks turnaround, and delivery to you in biodegradable bags to help protect the environment in our beautiful country.
We would really appreciate your support, and hope you love it as much as we do.
Nga Mihi,
Yvette and Tash